Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'd love to tell you about today, but I slept through it . . .

So we made it safely to Laramie last night, no thanks to mother nature.  We had a real decent nights sleep at the same motel we stayed at in Laramie on our way from Portland to Nashville, 30 months ago . . . enjoyed a really hearty dinner in the old town area, and slept like babies.

We had planned for a potential 24 hour stay in Laramie due to weather forecast, but we woke to the best possible news, the snow had abated and the roads were well passable, so we were up and ready to leave by 6am.

Sadly, our yellow bullet of bliss had other diesel ideas and refused to start.  A quick 800 call to Penske and Terry from Cowboy towing showed up with his crew to solve the problems caused by a 12 degree night.  It took them several hours, mechanic trickery, and some waiting for the ambient temp to rise above ice age temps to get things rolling.

 We lost about 5 hours of good travel time, but the weather was so beautiful and the conditions favorable, with enough sugar cookies and coffee on board, we conquered some ground. . . .

ok, this is where I confess that chronic insomnia and several months of panic and stress caught up with me today and I slept in the car for about 7.5 hours today. . . . and missed some of the most beautiful snow and mountains of this trip, but I feel like a new person . . . JB took some road pics so we'd have some documentation of the day.

Don't know what tomorrow holds, but with fairly favorable conditions predicted, we'll be at least in eastern oregon by tomorrow night and will roll on in on Christmas Eve.  I promise to not sleep all day tomorrow, so more pics and blog to come . . . 

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