Monday, December 20, 2010

Cowboy Up...and Cowgirl...And Cowparents...And Cowcritters . . .

Eventful - I think it’s best described as pretty eventful thus far

12/18 Saturday - Thanks to the bubba agent my parents dealt with, the truck rental was aaalllll kinds of screwed up, but got straightened out eventually.  We got to working on more packing, and got driveby love from Emily and Murrell and Robin stopped by for a hug on their way to a mistletoe shoot - don’t ask - I just know it involves a .22 and some crazy country folk.  Mark and Jason did some hauling off of leave behind stuff and Chanel and I packed my office, which is code for cried and drank wine and didn’t get anything done.
 12/19 Sunday was load day.  JB and I got started early, coffee with Brian and Michael then dropping Griffin off to spend the day with the McLaughlin’s, out of harms way.  The movers showed up around 10 and got started hauling everything out to the staging area.  The Langs showed up, Chanel and my mom followed the movers around and as they emptied out a room, they dug in and started cleaning, vacuuming, and Consuela even steam cleaned the bedrooms.  Uncle Robert showed up and worked on burning trash for us, an endless all day job.  Got drive by love from BJ and our Goddaughter Emily, super thankful to get a chance to hug them goodbye.

Things started to unravel after lunchtime as it became pretty clear that things weren’t all going to fit, which we were sort of prepared for - but we reached the stage where hearing my name even one more time or being asked to make one more decision was going to result in bodily harm to myself or others.  So thank you Carrie for the xanax, I’m pretty sure you saved a life yesterday.  In the end, nothing critical stayed behind - the Lang’s acquired some more of our crap, and Granny and Grandpa are the proud new owners of a fancy treadmill.

Richard took JB out for a last beer together.  Robert got us set up with a place to sleep at Granny and Grandpas since they’re out of town, the Langs left with tears and hugs, Brian and Michael stopped by for one more sobfest as well - and a good nights sleep was had by most everyone.

  12/20 Got the pets on board this morning, got coffee in me which does wonders for my disposition.  A tiedown came off the Honda on the car carrier, of course it popped off just as we were crossing the river into St. Louis, so it was several miles of bad road, heavy traffic, bouncing car and nail biting before it was safe to pull over and fix it.  We made it to St. Joseph, MO tonight 635 miles down, 1690 to go - our room looks like a zoo of animals, food dishes, pet beds and leashes, but the kids are settled, the shower was hot and the bed is clean.  Blissful.  Tomorrow, Laramie Wyoming.

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