Wednesday, December 15, 2010


There is nothing like moving to remind you what a deplorable housekeeper you are. My dust bunnies have been mating, and then mutating into dust tarantulas and dust tumbleweeds. And I'll go on record with this, I couldn't even begin to deal with the buckets and buckets of half used, used up and yes, even unused product in the bathroom - I made my BFF Chanel do it. Now that's love right there. Had a little time this morning so I evicted JB and Richard to go study somewhere else so I could build boxes for the weirdly shaped dining room dish racks. Success!

Speaking of this morning, we drove Granny and Grandpa to the airport to catch their early early flight to see Shirley in PA. Granny made me cry. Stinker. By the time they get home, we'll be gone. I'm pretty sure she planned this timing on purpose so she wouldn't have to be here to watch when we pull out of the driveway for the last time. She sneaked a couple of treats to Puddles, hugged us twice - and off they went! Super depressing. Took the wind out of my sails a little . . . a lot.

Heading to Vandy to knock out a couple more of my remaining 18 hours as a working stiff. Tomorrow morning JB and Richard sit for their boards, so the next post will be filled with gushing jubilation over their success. Crossing fingers, toes and eyeballs.

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