Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A day late and a lot of dollars short . . .

I had every intention of starting on this blog prior to Jason's last day of clinical (November 24) - but anyone that knows me knows I plan too much . . .

Quick backstory - Jason has just completed 28 grueling and expensive months of graduate work at Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia and is officially a graduate CRNA.  He is scheduled to sit for his state boards this thursday at 8am.  He has accepted a position at Legacy Health Systems' Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland through a contracted anesthesia group, and barring any complication, will start with them on December 27.

If you were friends with us when we began this adventure, you will remember our VERY eventful move from Portland to Nashville that involved tornados and record setting thunderstorms, hail and rain as we came through the midwest.  You may also recall that Jason's mom and dad accompanied us, blessing us financially, sharing the burden of driving vehicles, caring for pets, dodging weather, and making for comic relief as they sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally do.

This time my mom and step-dad will accompany us - so with the overorganized mom/queen and the incredibly in charge type A principal/king along, the addition of the gigantic 4 legged black child, the terminally ill poodle, the irritated cat, and the likely ill-fated decision to cross the US via the Colorado route in late December, I'm pretty sure this time will be just as entertaining.  Donner, party of five, the hostess will seat you now!

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